Migrate from UA to GA4

GA Migration Project

Setup of Google Analytics 4 or migration from the previous setup of Universal Analytics to the new GA4. Professional project planning, implementation and quality assurance as well as training and education of employees to optimize their own setup for the future of Google Analytics in time.

Arrow Right Understanding of the new GA4 data structure 
Arrow Right Professional project planning identifying what still can be used from old implementation and what has to be updated 
Arrow Right Support the development team during implementation process 
Arrow Right New integrations between data visualization tools 
Arrow Right Education of Google Analytics’s future, its changes, challenges and opportunities 

Project Plan

Arrow Right Simple Initial kick-off meeting to discuss the technical infrastructure and determine setup and tracking needs and requirements. 
Arrow Right Simple Development of a pure GA4 concept. If necessary, a hybrid concept that includes both UA and GA4 can be set up as well. 
Arrow Right Simple Support to the development team during the implementation stage 
Arrow Right Simple Validation and data quality assurance 
Arrow Right Simple Update source of dashboards and reports for the new GA4 structure 
Arrow Right Simple Education of the team over the new data structure and future tracking improvements